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Hina Iwai

A box full of assorted candies in different shapes and flavors to celebrate “Hinamatsuri” which is one of the five seasonal festivals in Japan.
Families would celebrate Hinamatsuri by decorating their room with elaborate traditional dolls, which we used for inspiration when designing the box lid of this candy.
Best-before date: 2 weeks
Availability: February - March, all stores.
Allergen: egg, soy, yamaimo (yam)
About food allergy-labelling system in Japan (outside link)
Yam starch
Kanbaiko (mochi flour)
Mijinko (mochi flour)
Wasanbon sugar
Suhama (soy) flour
Mizuame (sweetener made from rice and wheat)
Honkudzu flour
Kanten (seaweed jelly)
Nori (dried seaweed sheet)
Sorbitol (sweetener)
Gold leaf
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